Fr. 3 Jan. 2014
Going Big Again – Big Bowl VIII Registration Closed
Posted by jonathan under Allgemein @en
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This year the Walldorf Wanderers will host Big Bowl VIII from May 30th to June 1st. With 48 registered teams the tournament registration has closed. Only one spot in the womens competition is up for grabs.
Walldorf Wanderers
Franken Fun Rams
Ljubljana Silverhawks (Slovenia)
London Rebels (United Kingdom)
Ex Pads London (United Kingdom)
Mainz Legionaries
Duisburg Dockers
Dortmund Devils
Moskow Tough Nuts (Russia)
Reapers FFC (Venezuela)
Lalo Greyhounds
Königslutter Elm Eagles
Badener Greifs
Kirkcaldy Bulls (Scotland)
Suburbian Foxes
Kelkheim Lizzards
Munich Spatzen
Dutch National Team LIONS (Netherlands)
Cologne Vikings
Wiesbaden Phantoms Allstars
The Hague Hyena’s (Netherlands)
Den Haag Raiders GZB (Netherlands)
Israel National Team (Israel)
Weinheim Longhorns
Coventry Cougars (United Kingdom)
Klosterneuburg INDIANS (Austria)
Nakano Bagus (Japan)
Gaukönigshofen Fighting Irish
Copenhagen Fusion (Denmark)
Langen Knights
Augsburger Flagger
Nörrebronx Naebdyr (Denmark)
Mildenhall Mayhem (USA)
Copenhagen Tomahawks (Denamark)
St. Gallen Vipers (Switzerland)
Warwick Wolves (United Kingdom)
Ilmenau Ilmrosters
Allerød Armadillos (Denmark)
Universe Purple Flags
Nyhavn (Denmark)
Team Uni Würzburg
Guards of Honor
Hackney Cougars (United Kingdom)
Avedøre Mammoths (Denmark)
Vienna Constables (Österreich)
Flag United
Bremerhaven Seahawks
Seniors Waitlist
Mixed Team
Dom Esch Wildboyz
Mainz Elecorns
German National Team
Ljubljana Ladyhawks (Slovenia)
Amazing Austrian Amazones (Austria)
Israel National Team (Israel)
Coventry Cougar Ladies (United Kingdom)
Mülheim Shamrocks
Warwick Wolverines (United Kingdom)
Copenhagen Tomahawks Ladies (Denmark)
Purple Reapers (Venezuela)
Ladies Waitlist
Flag United
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