Di. 18 Dez. 2012
Big Bowl VII: Open for registration
Posted by jonathan under Big Bowl VII 2013
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Hey Flagfootballfanatics! Register now for BIG BOWL VII!
The Walldorf Wanderers Flagfootballteam and its supporters invite you to the biggest flagfootball tournament in all of Germany and Europe!
Since 2007 we are successfully hosting this tournament with 38 participating teams from 7 foreign nations and all over Germany. These Elite-Teams play each other in the Senior-, Youth- or Women Competition.
This year’s edition of the Big Bowl will take place from June 1st to 2nd 2013 at TGS Walldorf Sports Complex, Okriftler Straße 6, Mörfelden-Walldorf. Walldorf is 12 minutes from Frankfurt Rhein-Main International Airport and is easily accessible via Autobahn A5 and A3.
Last chance for registration is May 13th 2013! By that time the starting-fee of €70 per team (including trophies and 12 bottles of water) has to be booked. If you pay cash on Gameday the fee will increase to €90. You will get payment information after your registration, which you can send to:
bigbowl [at] walldorf-wanderers.com
Please note that games start at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday! Teams are asked to take game times into account of their travel plans! We recommend to use Friday as travel day and stay at our complex for two nights. Accommodation possibilities below!
We only accept reliable registrations! Teams are not registered until the starting fee is booked!
The tournament will be played by the 5-on-5 Non-Contact-Rules 2011 by the EFAF.
Players eligible for the competitions
Senior – Players of all ages and genders
Women – Female players only
Youth – Players of all ages and genders under 17 years of age
It is possible to play for more than one team, as long as the teams do not play in the same competition or play in the youth and women’s competition. Juveniles and women can play for a senior team besides their original teams in one of the other competitions.
The organizers explicitly welcome additional women teams, which get together from different senior teams right before game day!
Game-Clock will be 24 minutes running time with a halftime intermission. In the playoffs each team will get one time-out. We try to prolong playoff games by 6 minutes, so we can play two halves of 15 minutes.
Metalcleats are not allowed. In Senior-Competition the will be a official-sized gameball. Youth-sized gameballs are only permitted in Women- and Youth-Competition. Flags have to be from the “Plop”-Category. In Youth-Competition Velcro-flags are allowed.
Because of complaints in the last few years we will not have official referees at Big Bowl V. We will have a referee-plan for each team, with detailed information which games are called by which team. In the playoffs we will have only the the best referee-crews from the first two days. Those will get a little pay.
Showers, Toilettes and changing rooms are located directly next to the playing fields.
If you give us notice in advance in time, it is possible to stay at our gymnasium or in a tent at the Sports Complex. But space is limited to five to six tents at the maximum!
Over-night stay at the gymnasium – €10 (with breakfast)
Space for a tent is free (Breakfast – €5)
Note: No barbecue at the Sports Complex! Every team staying at the Sports Complex has to provide a security deposit of €50, which will be returned, if there are no damages to the complex.
Hotel reservations have to be taken care of by the teams themselves.
During the tournament there will be low-prized food and hot or cold beverages available a tour concession stand. Business hours are 8 to 9 a.m., 12 to 2 p.m. (and from 6 p.m. until open end only on Saturday).
On Saturday Night there will be a Players Party at the playing fields with cocktails and music by D.J. Max.
BIG BOWL V T-Shirts will be available in a limited edition only. Please order in advance!
Feel free to send us your questions any time!
Until now the following teams from 15 different countries have registered (Updated: Mar 9th 2013)
Due to low turn-out of teams, the youth competition has been canceled for this year.
Walldorf Wanderers
Universe Purple Flags
Lalo Greyhounds
Suburbian Foxes
Team Uni Würzburg
Kelkheim Lizzards
Königsbrunn Ants
Badener Greifs
Gaukönigshofen Fighting Irish
Nürnberg Fun Rams
Duisburg Dockers
Lubiljana Silverhawks (Slovenia)
Dortmund Devils
Darmstadt Fun Diamonds
Nauheim Wildboyz
Mainz Legionaries
Dutch Lions (Netherlands)
The Hague Hyena’s (Netherlands)
Moscow Tough Nuts (Russia)
Wiesbanden Phantoms Allstars
Werratal Saltkings
Zürich Renegades (Switzerland)
Augsburg Raptors
London Rebels (Great Britan)
Munich Spatzen
Mayhem (USA)
Bremerhaven Seahawks
Nyhaven (Denmark)
Reapers FFC Valencia (Venezuela)
Barbarians (Italy)
Amsterdam Cruzaders (Netherlands)
Muchachos Salvajes (Mexico)
Lille Allstars (France)
Weinheim Longhorns
Vienna Constables (Österreich)
The Elite from UK (Great Britan)
Mainz Elecorns
German National Team
Israel National Team (Israel)
Amazing Austrian Amazones (Austria)
Wild Cats (Serbia)
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