So. 20 März 2011
Flag Mag’s 12th Annual International Flag Football Festival
Posted by andy under Neues aus dem Flag Football Universium
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Nachdem auf ihrer Internetseite Werbung für unseren Big Bowl machen (schaut doch mal hier), revanchieren wir uns und veröffentlichen einen Kommentar, den uns Melany von zugesandt hat. Uns ist bewusst, dass die Anreise aus Deutschland sehr weit ist, etc., aber vielleicht hat ja doch jemand Interesse daran. Auf Erfahrungsberichte in dieser Sache wären wir auf jeden Fall gespannt!
Update: Wie uns die Organisatoren mitgeteilt haben, stehen für internationale Mannschaften Sponsoren bereit, die die Anmeldegebühren übernehmen würden!
Hello, this is melany from Flag Football Magazine,, Can you tell me if you would have any Staff, Referees, Teams or players interested in taking part in our Major Flag Football Event listed below?
12th Annual International Flag Football Festival
July 29-31st-Foxboro,MA(home of the New England Patriots)
Official Invitation
Flag Football Camp(one or Five Days)
Flag Football Clinic(two hours)
Flag Football Referee Certification Class
Flag Football Tournament(Five Game Guarantee)
Flag Football IFFF Event Official Invitation
Español-click Aqui
On behalf of, Flag Football Magazine, I would like to cordially invite you to the 12th Annual International Flag Football Festival Slated for July 29-31st in Foxboro,MA(Home of the New England Patriots)
The Festival will kick off with a Flag Football Camp, then Clinics for Players,Coaches and Referees then our tournament.
We have a special price for the hotel at $99 per night. Each Player will be required to purchase a player pass for $10. This will give them access to all our events, (Welcome Reception & Farewell Party).We also will offer tours of the New England Patriots Practice and stadium.
5 game guarantee
2 games Round Robin, then single elimination
Each player will need a Players Pass to participate.
Divisions include:
8-Man Ineligible – A, B, & C,35 +
8-Man Eligible – A, B, & C,Women,35 +
7-Man No Contact – A, B, & C,Women,35 +
7-Man No Contact – High School-Boys & Girls,
5-Man Contact – A, B, & C,35 +
4-Man No Contact – A, B, & C,35 +
8-Man (4 guys, 4 girls)- A, B, & C,35 +
5Man – 18 & under, 16 & under, 14 & under, 12 & under, 10 & under, 8 & under
8-Man $495 per team
7-Man $495 per team
5-Man $295 per team
4-Man $295 per team
For All Divisions
Champions receive free entry($200 deposit needed and refunded upon arrival)
Runners Up-$200 off Registration
Semi Finalists $100 off Registration
more info can be found at
First 50 teams to register
This tournament is restricted to 50 teams based on field space. The Deadline to Register is June 1st or when event is Sold Out.Dont wait to register, this event will be sold out.
Please let me know if your team would like to participate and which division your interested in?
I look forward to your response.
Melany Johnson
Flag Football Magazine
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